When a Gym Floor Looks Like an Ocean Wave

When water encounters a gym floor and isn’t immediately removed and inspected, disaster looms. If not caught immediately and dried, water can severely damage a gym floor almost immediately.

In our over 35 years of experience, our Property/Casualty claims team has witnessed gym floors so buckled and bent, the district had no choice but to shut the gym down and replace the whole floor – leading to months of contract and claims negotiations, athletic and sports event repercussions, and unique classroom coordination challenges.

What happens when a gym floor gets wet?

  • Buckled and bent floorboards
  • Relocated gym classes
  • Canceled practices and games
  • Approximately $90,000-$190,000 in damages
When Disaster Strikes, Who Do You Call?

Chad Zeismer, SET SEG’s Property Claims Consultant, has seen it all, walking school district administrators through some of the worst property claims seen in the state.

Q: As the SET SEG Property Claims Consultant, what is your role when a district calls with a potential problem?
First and foremost, I work with the Loss Control team to determine what potential claims are likely and what can be done to prevent them. If there is a reported loss, I will first identify what caused it and if it’s considered a covered loss. I work with the vendors and contractors to negotiate costs, ensuring no one is taking advantage of the district or the claim. Even if the loss isn’t covered, we still work closely with the district to ensure they’re receiving fair pricing to repair any damages.

Q: Why are gym floors such a problem?
Gym floors are one of the most expensive items in a school and often the main focus for a community. Because they’re susceptible to any water intrusion, if any amount of water is found on a gym floor, then cleaned up and forgotten about, real problems can start to emerge as short as a few days later. If water has been left on a gym floor, it may be too far gone to salvage. It’s important for school employees to take any amount of water on the gym floor seriously.

These types of claims often happen over the holiday break, causing a district to lose the second half of their basketball season, wrestling meets, and cheer competitions – disrupting all kinds of athletic programs. To prevent this, call your flooring contractor, mitigation contractor, and SET SEG if you notice water on the gym floor. We will make sure the contractors work together to save the floor from damage.

Q: Why call SET SEG?
We’re here to help. As a member of the Property/Casualty Pool, you’re not alone. We are dedicated to providing members with the tools and resources to prevent claims before they occur. However, when disaster strikes, we provide the support and claims assistance to help districts navigate a difficult time.

“We’re not an insurance carrier – we’re a Pool. We value our partnerships with public schools and it’s important to us that we assist our districts in saving money and resolving claims in a timely manner.” – Chad Zeismer, SET SEG Property Claims Consultant

Ionia Public School District: A Disaster Avoided

Even when administrators and facilities staff are doing their due diligence to ensure school district buildings and property are safe and functioning at an optimal level, incidents can still occur.

In April 2022, the facilities team at Ionia Public School District discovered water on the gym floor due to a leak in the roof. Immediately, Facilities and Grounds Director Mike Avery, along with Assistant Principal/Athletic Director Andy Barr, took action, calling in mitigation contractors, a flooring contractor, and the school’s SET SEG Loss Control Representative. While the roof leak was addressed, the gym floor was evaluated, dried, and sections of flooring replaced.

“SET SEG really kept things moving,” Avery stated. “So much so that we never missed a day of class in that gym – there was no disruption to the school’s business despite having to fix the floor.”

As a long-time member of the Property/Casualty Pool, Ionia Public School District’s facilities crew has developed a partnership with the SET SEG Loss Control Team in an effort to improve safety and security measures throughout the district and manage any potential issues.

“I’ve been in this role for 20 years and SET SEG has stepped up to the plate anytime we’ve needed assistance when it comes to our facilities,” said Avery. “What’s amazing is how fast they reach out to us after we file a claim. The response time, along with the expertise and suggestions we receive through routine safety walkthroughs is invaluable.”

Take Immediate Action

All it takes is a few days for a gym floor to start bubbling up or buckling if exposed to water. If there are any signs of water collecting on your district’s gym floor, contact SET SEG immediately.

SET SEG: Not Your Typical Insurance Company

For most insurance companies, success is defined by profit and financial benchmarks. But for SET SEG, that’s not the case — we’re not an insurance company. Our members join a pool and fund as opposed to going with a traditional insurance carrier, meaning member districts are our shareholders and have a voice in our strategic direction. The success of the Pool and Fund allows members to receive net asset returns and premium reductions.

Insuring public schools is a risky endeavor, and in Michigan, where the summers are short and the winters are freezing, providing affordable and quality coverage on everything from property/casualty and workers’ compensation to employee benefits, can be a challenge.

As our schools face these challenges, we like to remind them one thing: they’re not alone.

From our corporate programs and workplace culture to our philanthropic efforts through the SET SEG Foundation, giving back to our schools and communities has become a part of the SET SEG approach, always connecting back to our core value to put schools first.

12 Ways SET SEG Gives Back

12. Property/Casualty Return Checks

Every year, districts that are members of the MASB/SEG Property/Casualty Pool receive a net asset return check for funds not utilized in covering claims the previous year. As members of the Pool, school districts share the risk but benefit when claims are reduced and prevented.

11. Workers’ Compensation: Funding Safety Initiatives

Every spring, the SEG Self-Insurer Workers’ Compensation Fund sends a check to each member of the Fund so those districts can purchase products that will help decrease common injuries that occur inside the classroom, with the ultimate goal of reducing injuries and claims across the state.

10. Free Subscription to MyCyber

It’s not enough to provide funds for the property and buildings our students and educators populate, protecting districts from cyber threats is also a top priority. Through a partnership with Tetra Defense, a leading cybersecurity firm, SET SEG provides a valuable tool for members to scan their systems allowing schools to shore up their cyber defenses, keeping their school community safe from damaging cyber incidents.

SET SEG is providing all members with a free subscription to MyCyber, a platform used to conduct cyber hygiene projects ensuring schools are following cyber security best practices and have all the tools they need to remain secure. Click to learn more.

9. Adopt a Family

As an organization, participating in Adopt-a-Family prior to the holidays is a great way to engage our employees and give back to the community at the same time. Each year, SET SEG pledges to assist one or two families who may be struggling to provide gifts for their children.

This season, our staff is purchasing and donating enough gifts to cover a family of five.

8. Employee Food Drive

For two weeks this November, our staff brought in food donations to the office for a food drive benefitting the SIREN/Eaton Shelter in Charlotte, Michigan, a community resource dedicated to providing advocacy and support services to the homeless population and domestic violence survivors.

7. Paid Volunteer Time

While giving back is top of mind during the holiday season, SET SEG has put in place policies that encourage philanthropy all year round, specifically through paid volunteer time and donating to our Foundation with payroll contributions. Employees are given eight hours of paid time off from work to volunteer for a cause, event, organization, etc. of their choice.

In addition to giving their time, many SET SEG employees take advantage of our payroll contribution option to donate an amount per day period to the SET SEG Foundation, directly donating to grant and scholarship programs benefiting our public schools.

6. Send a Candy Cane

In December, as a fundraiser for the SET SEG Foundation, the philanthropic arm of our organization, staff can pay $1 to send a coworker a festive treat with a message to share their appreciation during the holiday season.

5. Award 10 Schools $2,500

The SET SEG Foundation is once again partnering with the Michigan Association of School Boards to honor Michigan public school programs with Education Excellence Awards. Ten educational programs within Michigan public schools and/or ISDs will be awarded the grant to continue their positive influence on their students and community.

Winners receive $2,500, a commemorative trophy, and a street sign announcing the districts as an Education Excellence winner. Apply here: setseg.org/edex

4. Send 65 Students to Summer Leadership Camp

The Michigan Association of Student Councils and Honor Societies (MASC/MAHS) Summer Leadership Camp provides an opportunity for students to experience lessons in leadership, communications, group activities, and goal setting. Through this competitive process, students in grades nine through 12 receive scholarships to attend camp.

Every year, SET SEG receives hundreds of applications from all throughout Michigan and awards $26,000 in full scholarships. Click to learn more.

3. Provide 20 Students Scholarships for the Skilled Trades

The SET SEG Foundation believes in supporting Michigan public school students in the pursuit of enrichment opportunities that advance learning and create opportunities. With the shortage of skilled trade workers in Michigan, we want to help revitalize these career paths and support students in their professional pursuits by giving 20 scholarships each in the amount of $500. Click to learn more.

2. Award 3 School Districts in the Student Showcase

Each year MASC/MAHS invite students across the state to develop a student showcase presentation that shares the very best in programming currently being executed at their school. Presentations are held at regional events throughout the state and can be selected to present at the state conference in February. The top presentations are voted on by attending schools for a chance to present to more than 2,000 student leaders from across the State of Michigan. Students attending the state conference will vote for the top three winners.

The SET SEG Foundation awards the top three winning school districts $1,000.

#GivingTuesday: SET SEG Foundation

Throughout our #12WaysOfGiving series we’ve covered all the ways SET SEG gives back to Michigan’s schools and communities, even highlighting our generous staff for all they give throughout the year in addition to their hard work serving our members every day.

Now it’s your turn.

If you would like to contribute to any of the SET SEG Foundation’s programs benefitting Michigan public school educators and students, please donate today: setseg.org/donate.

Transportation Safety

Groundbreaking Transportation Safety at West Shore ESD

Transportation Safety

For school districts and SET SEG, student safety is always top of mind. There are, of course, many factors that play into that safety. Concerns such as facility security and structural maintenance certainly play a role in keeping students safe; however, one of the largest factors contributing to the safety of our students comes from the preparedness of the often-unsung heroes from any school district: bus drivers.

Katrina Morris, Transportation Director for West Shore ESD and Executive Director of the Michigan Association for Pupil Transportation (MAPT) has always recognized this fact. “We have the most safety-sensitive position in our whole entire district,” explains Morris. “Our drivers are the first and last people to see those kids every single day.”

Morris, a former bus driver herself, has spent her career advocating for bus drivers in her district and beyond, recognizing the importance of those roles within every school district. At West Shore ESD, she and her staff worked to develop training and requirements that provide bus drivers with all of the tools necessary to keep students secure. At MAPT, she was able to extend that training to the rest of Michigan public schools, and ultimately, helped to pass legislation mandating it.

Proactive Bus Driver Training

After meeting with the Mason County school safety team, Morris recognized that, while broad safety training and procedures were in place, there was nothing specifically tailored to the unique challenges of transportation departments. Morris and her team subsequently developed courses specific to bus drivers, requiring supervisors and bus drivers to participate in proactive training that helps them identify potential safety issues and act before problems arise. This specialized training addresses, among other things, intruders, and other unauthorized individuals, attempting to board a school bus; a surprisingly common, and dangerous, occurrence.

After successfully enacting these requirements at West Shore ESD, Morris realized that the same issue she encountered in Mason County (limited bus driver-specific safety training) was likely affecting schools across the state.

Leveraging her experience at West Shore ESD, and her position at MAPT, she approached Michigan lawmakers for the funding needed to expand this valuable training to the rest of the state, ultimately securing $810,000 to incorporate proactive training to the curriculum already in place.

Now, part of the mandated training bus drivers and supervisors undergo includes guidance that gives them tools for recognizing and preventing potential threats to their and students’ safety. According to Morris, the training empowers bus drivers to act: “They have more options – when they see something happening, or they’re questioning something, they know that they have a voice to say, ‘what can I do about this?’”

Bus Legislation for Change

Beyond training, Morris and her staff have worked closely with Michigan lawmakers to add multiple pieces of legislation that keep students and drivers safe, such as:

  • Passing a stopped school bus with its stop arm extended was already illegal, but now law enforcement is permitted to use camera footage from the bus to enforce the crime.
  • Boarding a school bus without permission is now a civil infraction.
  • Buses can now feature a sign on the side of the vehicle explaining the penalty for unauthorized entry.

The legislation championed by Morris has resulted in buses across the state being equipped with additional safety features that weren’t present before. Safety features like outside cameras, LED stop signs, and LED bus signs are now commonplace.

We applaud the work Morris and MAPT have done. What started at West Shore ESD has branched out throughout all of Michigan and, in some cases North America, for a solitary reason: it keeps students and drivers safe.

Members of MASB-SEG Property/Casualty Pool all play a role in maintaining the level of security the pool offers. Regardless of the size of the district, or level of employee, we are all contributing to the safety and security of Michigan public schools. That safety often starts and ends with bus drivers.

For more information about current and upcoming bus safety training, as well as general news regarding pupil transportation in the state of Michigan, visit the MAPT website.

All the Pieces of the Puzzle for School Bus Safety

Want to learn more about bus safety? Watch our EduSeries Training video with SET SEG’s Loss Control Representative Jamison Hagerty and West Shore ESD’s Transportation Director Katrina Morris as the walk viewers through the key points of building and maintaining a strong transportation program.

Click here to watch!

#SETSEGStaff – Molly Mellema

At SET SEG, we put schools first every single day. We educate, empower, and serve Michigan public schools by offering benefits and services that keep schools safe and charitable contributions that support students within the state.

As the Chief Sales and Marketing Officer and Foundation Executive Director, Molly Mellema embraces the mission to put schools first through relationship development, brand awareness, and ensuring that schools’ unique insurance needs are met through our programs and initiatives. Mellema also serves as the Executive Director of the SET SEG Foundation, which operates with the mission to enable students to advance learning, leadership, and civic responsibility by providing financial support directly to public schools and students.

Giving Back to Schools

Leading the Foundation is a newer role for Mellema that allows her passion for schools and students to shine. SET SEG provides numerous services to districts at an administrative level, and the Foundation allows the organization to take on a different role, directly serving students and programs with financial awards and scholarships.

Mellema strives to be a positive influence for SET SEG staff, helping them grow and serve Michigan public schools. She extends that influence to the Foundation, both with increased employee involvement and student success. Through Mellema’s leadership, the Foundation instills the core values of the organization, supporting our public schools and making a significant impact on the future of every student.

Molly Mellema

Q&A: Molly Mellema

Q: How do you feel you make an impact through SET SEG?
Everything the Foundation does allows me to feel like I’m making a difference and impacting students’ lives. Through the Foundation, we strive to support school districts throughout Michigan with the MASB Education Excellence Awards. It’s a great example of how we work to impact K-12 students’ futures by providing opportunities for innovative programs and empowering them to become strong leaders. Additionally, the Foundation provides scholarship opportunities for leadership camps, career technical programs, and those going into the trades.

Q: What motivated you to become a leader at SET SEG?
Throughout my career I’ve found myself in various leadership roles. Most recently, however, I actively sought out a leadership role with the Foundation because I truly believe that there are so many opportunities to make a difference for students, and that is my motivation. My goal is to expand our fundraising so that we can make a bigger impact for even more students, particularly at the middle school level, as they are often underserved.

Q: What is your leadership style?
I grew up around coaches, so my leadership style tends to mirror that of a coach. You need to know what motivates each individual in order to get the most out of them. I also believe you need to empower people, so they feel like they have authority and decision-making abilities. For me, this means giving people the room to grow and learn to create ideas and solutions on their own by asking questions instead of trying to jump in with solutions.

Q: What does working at SET SEG mean to you?
To me, working at SET SEG means supporting Michigan public schools. That is my passion. When you look at my career, it has always revolved around schools in some way, shape, or form. Our organization invests in the future of schools. When you look at our Property/Casualty Pool, we are protecting buildings and property. Our Worker’s Compensation Fund protects educators and keeps them in front of students. And on the Employee Benefits side, we have the opportunity to work with employees on their health and wellness so they can continue to make an impact on students, the future leaders of our state, country, and beyond. Being involved in a company that does so much for public schools in Michigan is incredibly rewarding.

Funding for School Safety Assessments

Funding for School Safety Assessments

Funding for School Safety Assessments

Thanks to the efforts of Secure Education Consultants (SEC) and the Michigan state legislature, funding is available for Michigan public schools to conduct physical site assessments of their facilities. We urge all SET SEG members to take advantage of this funding and contact SEC to schedule a site assessment as soon as possible.

The Need for Site Assessments

Keeping your students and employees safe is of the utmost importance. Following recent acts of violence that have occurred in our schools, districts have been quick to defend their facilities with any number of products and services. However, without knowing the weaknesses or gaps in a district’s security plan, blindly buying products can give a false sense of security as they may not be addressing that district’s specific needs.

SEC President Jason Russell likens this scenario to a doctor and pharmacy relationship: “In Michigan, we were sending schools right to the pharmacy without ever sending them to the doctor first.” A site assessment is like going to the doctor – SEC thoroughly examines your facilities and identifies potential vulnerabilities while offering strategies to improve the safety and security of your district.

Why SEC?

SET SEG has long partnered with SEC to provide our members with the best possible security consultation available. With over 100 years of combined security and law enforcement experience, SEC is rapidly becoming one of the largest security assessment firms in the country. They quite simply have more experience than any other security consultation organizations serving public schools.

Having a strong partnership with SEC has been crucial for our district. Jason and his team really listen to what our needs are, the unique problems we face, and the concerns we have. It gives me great comfort knowing we have the most professional, highest-level group of experts helping us keep our students, staff, and community safe.

Dr. Embekka Roberson, Birmingham Schools

Russell and the experienced consultants at SEC worked with the Michigan legislative body to make grant funds for site assessments possible. They developed the requirements and guidelines for assessors, ensuring your district’s interests are put first. There truly is no other group better suited for these assessments.

Contact SEC at info@secureed.com or (616) 528-4071 to secure state funding and set up your site assessment. Click here for more information about SEC’s site assessment process.

2022 MASC/MAHS Summer Leadership Camp

In July, young leaders flocked to Albion, Michigan to attend the Michigan Associations of Student Councils and Honors Societies (MASC/MAHS) Summer Leadership Camp. Packed with excitement, anticipation, and the hunger to learn, students ranging from grades 9–12 began their week-long journey to becoming impactful leaders at their schools and communities.

The Camp Experience

Students enter camp at one of four levels based on prior Camp attendance. They are then grouped into Leadership Councils, assigned a color, and begin building relationships with their team members from the ground up – completing all activities together under guidance from two staff members per council.

With chants, songs, and cheers echoing throughout Albion College’s campus, the camp atmosphere is electric. All students participate in introspective activities that foster collaboration, education, and development of core skills to enhance their leadership abilities.

Students enter Camp as strangers but leave with lifelong friends and the skills to enrich and serve their communities.

Leaving a Lasting Impact

At week’s end, campers hate to leave this life-changing experience, but their passion and dedication continues on as they take these lessons back to their schools. In fact, students often find themselves at camp because a friend, young leader, or sibling has attended before them, and with rave reviews, new students are drawn in.

Level One attendee Manmeet Vij recalls how she found herself interested in camp from a fellow student leader, “My student council president was so enthusiastic about camp and how life-changing it is, how fun activities are, and how you meet so many amazing people throughout the week.”

This new set of campers share the same sentiments of those who have gone before them and can’t wait to go home and share their experiences. Some campers are even plotting their return before camp ends, as is the case with Level One camper Olivia Seeburger. “I’m definitely coming back because I love it here. The activities are fun, the people make a huge impact, and the whole experience is amazing.”

The SET SEG Foundation recognizes the impact and value that this leadership camp has on students and their communities. For more than 15 years, the Foundation has invested in that success by providing more than $26,000 annually in scholarship dollars. Many of the applicants do not have the financial support necessary to attend this exceptional opportunity.

Click here to view the winners!

This year, the SET SEG Foundation awarded over 50 scholarships to students, reaching 34 school districts in 18 counties throughout Michigan: https://setseg.org/camp

To contribute to events like the MASC/MAHS Summer Leadership Camp, consider donating to the SET SEG Foundation. Click here for more information.

#SETSEGStaff – Amy Guilford

At SET SEG we create leaders – leaders in the insurance industry and leaders within our own organization. With an executive team focused on creating an environment that empowers employees to learn and grow, we’re able to serve Michigan’s public schools that much better.

Our ability to provide so many valuable services to schools throughout the state is due, in no small part, to the fiercely talented individuals that make up this organization – and that includes SET SEG’s Chief Program Administrator, Amy Guilford.

Guilford oversees SET SEG’s property/casualty, workers’ compensation, and employee benefits programs, ensuring every level of our organization successfully functions to meet our operational, financial, and service benchmarks. Since her promotion to this role in 2016, Guilford has contributed to many of SET SEG’s successful movements in the school insurance space.

Failure Equates Growth

Guilford attributes much of her success to SET SEG’s institutional focus on empowerment. With help from her mentors and predecessors, Guilford thrived in an environment that allowed growth and embraced learning through the experience of failure.

“If you work for an organization and leadership team that understands failure equates to growth, and you’re not punished or in fear of failing, it can be really empowering,” said Guilford. “I strive to foster that same culture and really grow the next generation of leaders.”

Q&A: Amy Guilford

Q: What do you most enjoy about your work?
I really enjoy the people I work with. We have an incredible team of people who are mission-driven, collaborative, and hard-working. Beyond that, I love working for an organization with its whole purpose to protect and support Michigan public schools.

Q: What makes SET SEG unique?
When you work for an insurance company, success is often defined by profit and financial benchmarks. But in our case, we don’t win if our schools don’t win. We aren’t capturing surplus in the form of shareholder equity. We’re returning it back to Michigan public schools.

I see SET SEG as a beautiful little gem inside the world of insurance, that not many people know about. It’s a niche area where we can do creative and innovative things for the sole purpose of protecting and servicing our members’ specific needs. That’s very different than your typical commercial insurance entity.

Q: What does it mean to you to work at SET SEG?
At the end of the day, it allows me to feel like I made a difference.

Both of my children have gone through the public school system, and I can certainly empathize and understand what school administrators and employees have on their plates. It feels good for me to know that everything we’re doing is to allow them to focus on what they do best.

Q: How have you made an impact at SET SEG?
I have worked for seasoned professionals early on in my career. I grew tremendously with that mentorship and now am in a position where I can help guide the younger generation. I get to pass along the technical knowledge I learned and foster new leadership and growth in others.

Q: What is your leadership style?
Highly collaborative. I tend to want more people in the conversation than less. I also really challenge my team to work together to bring me a recommendation. I trust them and want to empower them to use their skills and experience to find solutions we can all then review and discuss.

Empathy is also incredibly important and is two-fold. As a working mom, I empathize with other working parents, and I also understand many of the challenges facing public schools. Understanding the needs of my team as well as the needs of our members helps me to be a better leader.

#SETSEGStaff – Jeff Crouse

We’re excited to add former Charlevoix-Emmet ISD Superintendent Jeff Crouse to the SET SEG team! After retiring from his storied career in education, he has recently joined SET SEG as a Sales and Product Development Specialist. Jeff will be assisting in the development of SET SEG’s many offerings, as well as providing additional support to the districts in his region.

While Jeff is new to the SET SEG Sales Team, he’s anything but a stranger to the organization. Jeff was the president of the SET Board of Trustees and, like many other superintendents of Michigan public schools, has worked closely alongside SET SEG for years.

Prior to SET SEG, Jeff has been in an education setting for many years, most recently as the superintendent of Charlevoix-Emmet ISD, but also as the CFO for both that district and Reed City. Jeff originally started out in finance, working in banking for years, but as the industry started to change, he was drawn back to a very familiar place: “Schools are kind of our family business – my dad, uncle, and grandpa were all superintendents and my other grandpa was a school master; it runs in the blood,” said Jeff. Even his sister recently signed on as the superintendent for Reese Public Schools, keeping the family business alive.

With a generational history in education, transitioning to a role at SET SEG when it became time to retire as superintendent made perfect sense. “I’ve always been interested in helping out schools no matter who they are – that’s kind of the mindset of being at an ISD,” explains Jeff. “You’re out there to help the 11 or 12 districts you’re serving and be a supporting partner and I think this is an extension of that kind of role.”

In addition to his many responsibilities supporting member districts at SET SEG, Jeff enjoys the outdoors, regularly playing golf and spending time boating. With three children, all of whom participate in sports, he also finds himself steeped in the school sports world, helping coach and acting as President of his local little league.

Those of us at SET SEG recognize that the only way to offer best-in-class service is to hire employees that truly understand the state of public education in Michigan. Jeff joins a significant number of former superintendents and Michigan public school personnel who have chosen to support member districts with a career at SET SEG. We are proud to offer our members support from knowledgeable representatives like Jeff and are excited to add him to the team.

Protect Your School Community – Win an Award for Facilities Excellence

Every year, we recognize outstanding members of the Property/Casualty Pool and Workers’ Compensation Fund by rewarding their proactive efforts to protect their district’s buildings and grounds. The Michigan Safety Awareness and Facilities Excellence (MSAFE) Award was instituted to show our appreciation for member districts that do everything they can to limit claims while protecting students and employees.

Safety Considerations

What are districts like the recent regional MSAFE Award winners doing to successfully protect their facilities? They put in place procedures and products that maintain a consistent level of safety.

Slips, trips, and falls are a constant concern in any state, but Michigan’s climate can be especially hazardous. Transitioning seasons supply enough rain, ice, and snow to require a number of solutions to limit those risks. Consider adding things like non-slip stair treads, floor mats, wet floor signs, and more to your safety repertoire.

You Could Be the Next Winner!

Regional MSAFE awards are announced annually. If you haven’t been selected yet, ask your Loss Control Consultant what you can do to preserve the safety of your facilities and grounds. Instituting our safety recommendations raises your chances for winning this award.

What’s more, regional MSAFE winners are entered into a second drawing for an overall grand prize MSAFE Award. Grand prize winners provide the most proactive safety operations for the year out of all of our member districts.

Safety Recommendations

The Value of Personalizing Your Employee Benefits Offerings

With diverse backgrounds and interests, every group of employees is different. Instead of opting for a one-size-fits-all benefits package, consider providing benefits options that are as unique as your employees. For instance, many workplaces are multigenerational; the benefits needs of a 50-year-old man will likely differ from the needs of a 25-year-old woman.

One note of caution: as you find yourself tailoring benefits to employees, think strategically about those choices and limit the number of plans available. According to a Willis Towers Watson survey, 57% of employees prefer a moderate number of benefits options and indicated that too many choices would be overwhelming.

Ultimately, personalized benefits will require meaningful conversations with employees. While it’s impossible to offer benefits that will meet all the needs of every single employee, maintaining open communication with workers can go a long way toward that goal. Here are some general tips to consider when gauging the needs of your employees: