#SETSEGStaff – Danica Klein
At SET SEG, we cultivate leaders – leaders in the insurance industry and within our organization. Our capacity to deliver a multitude of valuable services to schools across the state is significantly attributed to the talented individuals comprising our organization. Our Human Resources Manager, Danica Klein, is not only a notable addition to that talent pool but a critical force in maintaining its effectiveness.
Klein plays a pivotal role in developing and overseeing HR programs that seamlessly support the entire employment lifecycle, ensuring SET SEG is equipped with the necessary talent for success. Her responsibilities span from managing compensation and benefits to spearheading recruiting strategies, onboarding, and fostering positive employee relations. Klein not only focuses on identifying prospective leaders who align with SET SEG’s values but also on retaining and nurturing the existing talent within the organization.

Q&A: Danica Klein
Q: What advice would you give to women entering HR and/or the insurance industry?
I always give the same advice: do what scares you! Put yourself out there, seek out opportunities, and take them when they come. There will be many times when you feel underqualified, apprehensive, and “not ready.” If you take the leap and say yes, even when you’re scared, it will open opportunities and give you valuable experiences.
I am very thankful to the people who offered me a job shadow day, an internship, my first job after graduation, a meeting invite, or a morning to network over coffee. In my role here at SET SEG, I’m proud to offer those opportunities back to many talented students through our college outreach programs.
Q: What motivated you to become a leader?
I chose to study human resources because I wanted to help and serve people. To me, leadership offers that same opportunity. In leadership, you contribute to a shared mission, lead meaningful change, positively impact the business and the people, and motivate others to be the best versions of themselves.
And being in HR, it’s exciting to work with several different groups of people to unlock potential and create synergy within the organization.
Q: Describe your leadership style.
I would say that I like to meet people where they are with empathy and grace. I take a collaborative approach where we work as a team to play to each other’s strengths and solve problems together. I care for the people I work with, and when others can sense your intentions are good, it makes for an effective and trusting partnership. I am still at the beginning of my leadership journey and recognize that I have so much to learn in the years ahead.
Keeping a humble and continuous learning mindset is so important. We become better leaders when we choose to reflect on our experiences, celebrate the victories, and learn from our mistakes. I feel very fortunate to have many great leaders to learn from at SET SEG and in my local HR community.
Q: What does it mean to you to work at SET SEG?
Working as SET SEG has been a blessing in my life. We have some of the most talented, kind, hardworking, and generous people on our team. We are a small enough organization where we know everyone’s names and it feels like a big extended family.
Our team is so driven by our mission and core values that going the extra mile has quickly taken the place of the status quo. We push each other to improve and innovate. All of these factors combined make for an exceptional work environment. Looking forward to going to work each day is something I don’t take for granted.
Q: How do you feel you make an impact through SET SEG?
I’m proud to be part of an organization that makes such a positive impact on Michigan public schools. I attended public schools in Michigan for the entirety of my education and I still remember my favorite teachers and what a huge impact they made on my life.
While I am not directly working with our member districts in my particular role, I get to support our amazing employees so they can support our members daily. Ensuring that our employees feel supported and have the resources they need to successfully do their jobs brings me great joy.
I am in a unique role that strikes the balance of caring for the employee and the business simultaneously. It’s a challenge that I’ve grown to love over the years!