Donor Recognition
The SET SEG Foundation proudly acknowledges the individuals and organizations whose generosity helps us continually fulfill our mission and build brighter futures in the lives of Michigan students. Their support has impacted thousands of individuals and communities across the state.
Thank you to our donors
Tessa Albright
Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum
Jan Amsterburg
Steven Andary
Stephanie Anderson
Aprise Group
Arctic Wolf
Tim & Mary Averill
Michael Bacon
Jenni Bennett
Binder Park Zoo
Bunny Binno
Jim Bobula
Carolynne Bohnhoff
Boyd Watterson Asset Management
Hailey Bres
Bridget Briggs
Jamie Brownell
William Burleson
Ryan Burnett
Kaitlin Carlson
Nick Ceglarek
Ken Chapie
Tanya Charlow
Chateau Chantal
Jeffrey & Yolanda Collier
Deana Coolidge
Country Club of Lansing
Baron Crandall
Annika Creps
Jeff Crouse
Crystal Mountain
Detroit Red Wings
Detroit Zoo
Nic Enriquez
Audrey Forbush
Giarmarco, Mullins & Horton, P.C.
Rosemary Gilchrist
Bryan Girbach
Moranda Gowell
Greg Gray
Paul Grienke
Amy Guilford
Lou Guizzetti
Lindsay Hazen
David Henwood
Steve Hitchcock
Jan Holz
Cathy Hungerford
Scott & Beth Huntley
Inn at Bay Harbor
Marci Jacobs
Jason Jeffrey
Jungle Jane Promotions
Audrey Kahler
Kyle Kast
Tina Kerr
Casey Kilcherman
Emily Klaver
Danica Klein
Kluczynski, Girtz & Vogelzang
Theresa Koths
Scott Koziol
Peter Kudlalk
Emorie Larsen
Adam Levitksy
Rach Lott
Greg Mair
Amy Maneval
David Martell
Angie McArthur
Allie McLary
The Medalist
Molly & Jason Mellema
Christopher Messing
Michigan Athletic Club
Chuck Miller
Nathan Miller
Jeff Mills
Darci Muller
Timothy Mullins
O’Neill, Wallace, & Doyle, P.C.
Vanessa Parkey-Dennison
Lauren Pickelman
Plante Moran
Plunkett Cooney
Potter Park Zoo
Steve Privasky
Marc Ramsey
Jim Rasche
Dan Reattoir
Douglas Reinsch
Lynn Revoldt
Dennis Rogoszewski
Katherine Ross
Erick Roth
John Ruddell
Chad Schaberg
Mary Schraft
Andrea Schray
Annabel Shea
Janet Sluiter
Jeanmarie Smith
Tony Spisak
Jessie Stromer
Luke Terry
Mike Totte
Thrun Law Firm
Steve Tunnicliff
Urban Air Adventure Park
Mike Vandenbossche
Emily VanElls
Autumn Ward
Mark Williams
Williams & Co.
Melissa Wood
World Insurance Associates
Don Wotruba
Wendy Zdeb
Zehnder’s Splash Village
Chad Ziesmer
Caroline Zohoury
Changing Lives.
Building Futures.

Memorial Gifts
Joan Douglas