Q&A: Employers and the COVID-19 Vaccine

Q: Are employer-sponsored health plans required to cover COVID-19 vaccinations?

A: Yes, generally all non-grandfathered health plans are required to cover the costs of immunizations that are considered preventive services by the Patient Center Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI). The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act requires the COVID-19 vaccination to be covered within 15 business days after the recommendation is made by PCORI for it to be considered a preventive service.

NOTE: This coverage must be provided for both in-network and out-of-network providers during the COVID-19 public health emergency.

For SET SEG Family Healthcare Center Patients

Sign up for a COVID-19 vaccine today!

Q: Can employers require vaccinations?

A: Yes, employers can require employees to get vaccinated. However, make sure you consider how the following will interact with that approach:

  • State laws
  • Americans with Disabilities Act
  • Collective Bargaining Agreements
  • EEOC Guidance
Q: Are COVID-19 vaccinations required by law?

A: No, COVID-19 vaccinations are not required by law, and employers are not required to implement vaccination mandates on their employees.

Q: At this time, who is eligible to receive a vaccination?

A: The COVID-19 vaccination is available in phases of prioritized groups. This list will expand with time to include more groups of the population, which you can review periodically here.

Currently, the State of Michigan is permitting vaccinations for the following groups:

  • Childcare and Pre-K through high school staff
  • Healthcare workers
  • Long-term care workers
  • Residents who are 65 and older
  • Essential workers, including first responders, corrections workers, and inspectors
  • Congregate Care Facilities, such as homeless shelters
Q: Where in Michigan can I receive the COVID-19 vaccine?

A: Currently, vaccinations are available in Ingham County and the LMAS District Health Department. As this list grows, the State of Michigan will publish additional access sites here.

Q: What are some additional considerations and management tips for schools at this time?
  • Plan scheduling logistics: Determine how to best manage your employees’ schedules. Depending on what works best for your district, you may consider designating day-time hours for employees to receive vaccinations. These designated times may be staggered or all in one based on what is most beneficial to your district and your staff.
  • Check in with your carrier or TPA: Ensure your plan documents and certificates of coverage will handle vaccination claims as expected.
  • Communicate: Proactively communicate with your staff about the availability of the COVID-19 vaccination and how they can leverage your support to gain access.
  • Collaborate: Work closely with your benefit administrators to navigate the fast-paced changes brought on by COVID-19 to ensure you are administering your plans in accordance with your plan documents and accurately communicating with your employees about COVID-19 entitlements and vaccination access.



How to register to receive the vaccine:

All staff within school districts that participate in the SET SEG Family Healthcare Center (including those in Eaton County) have been granted access to sign up to receive a COVID-19 vaccination at the Michigan State University Pavilion through the Ingham County Health Department.

This is a two-part vaccine, and you will register for both vaccinations at the same time. When you arrive, a photo ID and proof of employment (such as employee badge or a paycheck stub) will be required.

Registration Guidelines:
  • Please work with your supervisor to get coverage if needed.
  • The vaccine is available to all school personnel, support staff and contracted employees who work in schools, such as food service, custodians, bus drivers, and long-term substitutes.
  • The vaccine is not currently available to Board members or substitutes that are not regularly in our school buildings.
  • The MSU Pavilion is open on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday for vaccinations.
Registration Form:

READ BEFORE COMPLETING FORM: For the sake of the form, please select “YES” for the first question, “Do you live or work in Ingham County?” then continue to complete the questions as you would typically respond.

If you are interested in getting the vaccine, please click here to complete the form. When they reach your prioritization group, you will receive an email with a link to schedule an appointment.

2021 Healthcare Outlook: Costs, Trends, & New Approaches

It’s no surprise that the pandemic made a tremendous impact on healthcare. From cost to accessibility to benefit plan design, all aspects of the model are being reevaluated and analyzed in a new light. By reviewing how businesses and organizations across the nation are adapting their healthcare plans to address new challenges, we have a better understanding of what’s to come in 2021.

Healthcare Costs Remain Unpredictable

Despite reduced healthcare activity during 2020 as COVID-19 delayed both preventive and elective care for the majority of plan participants, according to the 2021 Large Employers’ Health Care Strategy and Plan Design Survey conducted by the Business Group on Health, premiums and out-of-pocket spending are expected to increase by roughly 5.3% in 2021.

Other recent studies suggest that medical cost increases would fall in the 4% to 10% range. As so many unknowns remain, it’s difficult to advise whether our members should anticipate a surge in care being delivered next year as the pandemic wanes (and assume an even larger increase in costs), or if they’ll see a continued reluctance among their employees to seek care into 2021.

With the reduction in elective surgeries and routine care, organizations with self-funded (or self-insured) health plans have generally realized some savings from decreased claims. In comparison, many fully-insured carriers have provided premium relief/refunds to groups on fully-insured health plans. While the savings have certainly helped, groups should be anticipating an increase in premiums and claims cost if/when the COVID-19 pandemic ends.

Have you received a full market analysis?

While there is no one-size-fits-all approach to health insurance, we believe many of our members would benefit from pursuing a full market analysis (both with fully insured and self-funded options) to determine if savings are available. Contact your Employee Benefits Account Executive for more information on how our experts can evaluate whether this is a viable, smart approach to managing costs within your organization.

The Rise of Virtual Care

As businesses and organizations quickly adapted to deliver no-contact services, healthcare institutions also simultaneously shifted to provide ways to virtually administer care and treatment to patients. Telehealth services, previously low-utilized methods of accessing healthcare, were widely embraced by patients as a way to safely see a doctor in 2020. Trends indicate that telemedicine will continue to grow as a welcomed alternative to traditional office visits.

Virtual care for musculoskeletal issues, such as physical therapy for back and joint pain, shows the greatest potential for growth and cost savings. In 2019 and 2020, musculoskeletal issues — such as knee, hip, and back pain severe enough to warrant surgery — was ranked the top condition impacting healthcare costs.

According to a recent study on virtual physical therapy services, patients rated their satisfaction 91.2% and $1,000 was the minimum cost reduction when post-surgery tele-rehabilitation was used.

Laser Focus on Mental Health and Well-Being

This year, more than ever before, employers are recognizing the importance of supporting employees’ mental health needs. More than 69% of organizations provide access to online mental health support services, and that number is expected to increase to 88% in 2021. Employers are also addressing cost barriers by reducing out-of-pocket costs for mental health services.

Savvy Primary Care Strategies

In 2021, 51% of organizations plan to have at least one advanced primary care strategy, like contracting directly with primary care providers. In mid-Michigan, SET SEG members are already taking advantage of this cutting-edge approach and receive efficient, cost-effective healthcare at the SET SEG Family Healthcare Center.

The SET SEG direct primary care model has improved the delivery of preventive services, chronic disease management, and mental health for over 2,000 school employees and their families. Click here to learn more.

Healthcare is Integral to Employee Retention

In 2021, we expect employees will weigh healthcare benefits more heavily when considering employment opportunities and innovative healthcare offerings will be an integral piece of employee satisfaction. When planning engagement and retention efforts, make sure to consider healthcare as an important component.

Flip the Script on Cyber Attacks

Did you know…   

Education is listed in the top five most targeted industries for a cyber attack? A cyber breach can wreak havoc on a public school system — compromising students’ private information, diminishing a community’s confidence in the school, and ultimately costing the district and the Pool membership thousands of dollars.

The arrival of the global pandemic has provided cybercriminals with the perfect cover for ramping up email attacks. According to Beazley, SET SEG’s trusted cyber security partner, since the increase in remote work, employees have been more likely to fall for social engineering scams, or email phishing techniques used to manipulate someone into providing confidential information like log-in credentials. SET SEG members have access to a team of nationwide industry experts, robust tools, and local support to help grow and strengthen cyber security within their organization.

Flip the images below to access helpful cyber support!

Customized Member Resource Center

Though they’re the largest at-risk group, your employees also provide the most powerful first line of defense to protect against cyber hackers and misuses of sensitive information. Access the SET SEG COVID-19 Resource Center for:

  • Best practices to address new risks and exposures as a result of COVID-19.
  • Security checklists, handouts, videos and more that address IT equipment and cyber security in a remote work environment.


KnowBe4: Security Awareness Training

Phishing continues to be one of the greatest risks for organizations and one where employees pose the greatest vulnerability. SET SEG provides members discounted access to KnowBe4, the world’s largest integrated platform for security awareness training. This training combines a library of information with simulated phishing attacks to teach employees to make smarter security decisions every day.

To access your discount or learn more information, click here.

Breach Response Team

A cyber breach isn’t always a disaster, but mishandling it is. To ensure an immediate and proficient response to a cyber attack, SET SEG members have access to our partner, Beazley, a global company that utilizes its own in-house breach response team to resolve any cyber incidents with a member district.

For additional resources and a list of cyber security best practices, visit our COVID-19 Resource Center.



SET SEG is proud to serve on a task force organized by Michigan Education Technology Leaders (METL), a workgroup of Michigan Association of Intermediate School Administrators (MAISA), to develop a guide to help Michigan K-12 school districts identify and improve their cybersecurity practices.

MISecure.org lists a variety of resources, from essential cybersecurity practices for K-12 to assessments and guides to implement in your organization. To learn more about this tool created for Michigan schools by Michigan technology experts, visit misecure.org/resources.

SET SEG Cyber Coverage

SET SEG’s cyber coverage is designed to respond to various forms of attack on personal data, and organization-wide IT infrastructure. Expenses arising from compromised Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and ransomware/extortion attack costs are covered, subject to policy conditions and limits.

If you believe a breach has occurred or your systems have been compromised, please notify SET SEG immediately. Legal and computer forensic reviews will be conducted to determine the extent of the damage and appropriate next steps.

In Data We Trust

Health Insurance Renewal Decisions

As your organization prepares to renew employee health insurance benefits, remember your SET SEG employee benefits expert is here to help simplify the process!

While analyzing market trends helps to manage expectations, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to health insurance. Each of our members is unique and faces a different set of opportunities when it comes to providing quality health insurance plans for employees. SET SEG works to structure the best health insurance coverages to meet the individual needs of our clients while working within their budget.

Trends in the Market

Identifying and evaluating trends in the market will provide guidance and insight into your health insurance plan. Though the full impact of COVID-19 has yet to be realized, many insurance pools and carriers are anticipating an increase in claims and an increase in healthcare costs.

Understand Your Renewal

Many factors contribute to an organization’s health insurance renewal process – from the group’s size and geography to its demographics and the overall health of the employee population.

When faced with an increase, districts should utilize SET SEG’s employee benefits expertise for a comprehensive market analysis. The benefits of this may result in:

  • A more effective insurance plan design
  • Utilization of additional carriers
  • Industry-leading consultation services to contain costs
 Assess Your Renewal

Although evaluating your renewal and market options is important, the following examples are additional areas to consider as you move forward in renewing your health insurance plan.

  • PA 579: Transparency and access granted to Michigan’s public schools
    The passing of this amendment in 2019 has allowed districts to have increased visibility and accessibility to their claims data, which can be critical to the bidding process when comparing health plans from competing carriers. Click here to access information as to what PA 579 means for Michigan school districts.
  • Claims versus Premiums
    While you may be fully aware of how much premium your district is paying on an annual basis, evaluating your claims data allows the organization to see just how much the carrier paid on the district’s behalf. Your SET SEG Employee Benefits expert will lead you through this crucial process of evaluating all market options.
  • Medical Loss Ratio
    Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) is a formula that provides a vital metric when evaluating your claims paid versus the premium paid. Your SET SEG employee benefits expert will help you evaluate whether your organization’s health insurance plan is performing within acceptable industry standards.

An acceptable MLR of claims paid to premium paid typically ranges between 75% and 85%. Click here for information related to calculating your organization’s MLR.

    • If an organization’s MLR is below this threshold, your SET SEG employee benefits expert can guide you through the bidding process to obtain alternative cost-saving options.
    • If an organization has an MLR higher than this threshold, additional options other than bidding can be reviewed by your SET SEG employee benefits expert.