FAQ: Core Contact
Q: Why is this change happening?
We are streamlining the invoicing process at SET SEG to avoid sending to unnecessary or unsecure contacts. Limiting invoice and other confidential information to the most appropriate contacts ensures that sensitive information reaches the right individuals.
Q: How are core contacts chosen?
Single, principal contacts were chosen for each member district based on current SET SEG contracts, past communication, and field staff consultation.
Q: Who is the core contact at my district?
Information regarding core contacts is securely maintained by SET SEG, but contact listings specific to your district can be requested. Please contact your SET SEG team for more information.
Q: What if I want other members of my staff to receive invoices?
You are more than welcome to forward any emails you receive from SET SEG to the parties you deem most appropriate, but we are committed to sending initial communications to the identified core contacts.
Q: The contact who receives invoices at my district has left. How do I request a core contact change?
In cases of turnover, please contact a member of your SET SEG team.